We start this in one of the most simplistic ways: working together.
By learning to hold one side of the scarf while a friend holds the other side, we begin to build teamwork. Then we add a small beach ball and the duo needs to roll the ball back and forth. This is often a challenge because kids are naturally excited about parachutes, scarves and beach balls and now we need them to focus their excitement on a task with a friend. Trust me, this is big for preschoolers! Since it's summer time, we listen to music that reminds us of the rolling waves. The goal, work together to get your ball rolling back and forth like the waves.
This focused and concentrated work really help build so many valuable skills in music and in life. You have everything from teamwork, verbal and non-verbal communication, moving to a steady beat and fine and gross motor skills!
Sometimes we have so much fun playing and moving to music, we over look the amazing value it contributes to life. Come and explore all the benefits of teamwork and moving appropriately to the music.
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