Most kids are naturally interested in music and will sing and respond to it. I have taught babies up through high school aged children and here are SIX tips to get your children to sing.
1. Start early! From the moment they are in utero, sing. Sing to them as babies. Tons of parents complain, "I'm not a good singer!" but your baby DOES NOT CARE! Your baby heard your voice from the womb. They LOVE your voice. Your voice is your voice.
2. Music Classes! Early music classes for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and young school age children are packed with so many beneficial activities. Many times they are gaining more skills than just music skills which make them a popular choice for many parents. Children should not be expected to perform but they should be surrounded by musical activities that encourage them to join in on their level. A baby will enjoy rocking or bouncing to the beat and babbling along to the music. A toddler will enjoy moving their bodies and starting to add their own voice. Preschoolers and school-age children can explore using their voices, instruments and bodies in the music making process. Children shouldn't be forced to participate and they can experience the class in many ways.
3. Singing! Sing with recorded music. Sing acapella. Just sing.
4. Be Creative! Let your child fill in the blank. Sing a phrase and leave out the word and wait for their response. Create new verses. Create new rhymes. Clap. Move. Play instruments. Dance. This all encourages musically.
5. Explore The Voice! One of the things kids love is singing in different voices. With my preschoolers we often experiment singing in loud and soft voices. Sometimes we sing like robots or monsters. We sing fast and slow. You can take the simplest songs to explore the voice.
6. Consistency & Repetition! I always start with a Hello song and end with a Goodbye song. My preschool kids can sing the Hello Song REALLY well and it makes me SO proud! It wasn't always like that. For the first few times, they were pretty quiet but as the year progressed they gained confidence. We also sing to each friend which they truly look forward to. Consistency and repetition is the key. Sometimes we can't stand to hear a song ONE MORE TIME or read a book ONE MORE TIME but that's all the kids want. Kids learn best from consistency and repetition. Go ahead and sing that song again! Your child's brain is learning so much and gaining more and more knowledge.
The most important key is to make music making a part of your life. Play music, sing songs and encourage kids to join in. Any kind of music helps but it's best to choose a variety, Build their confidence. As babies grow into toddlers and young children, we sometimes zap that confidence. Start young, build that confidence and let them know there is "no wrong note". The more they sing and create, the more they develop their voice and confidence.
Make music making fun and positive!
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