Friday, November 6, 2015

Imitation: Sincerest Form of Flattery

One of the definitions of IMITATION is:

Imitation (noun):  The action of using someone or something as a model.

Yesterday I received a link to a video of a friend's son who has attended my classes for a long time.  In it he had his stuffed animals all lined up.  He sat in front of them with his children's ukulele singing goodbye using each of his stuffed animals.  He even sang to each of them by name just like I do for the Hello and Goodbye song each class. 

When I watched it, I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.

A few weeks ago I received a beautiful letter from a Grandparent who attends classes with her Grandchildren.  She told me the effects the class had on her older Grandchild on a very busy weekend.  She said turning on the CD in the car helped turn her tired, cranky Grandchild's mood around.  

As I read the letter, I was all choked up with emotion.   



Children are naturally engaged and captivated by music.  I love to encourage an interactive music program where children are surrounded by live and recorded music.  It's fun to give them new ways to play with a prop or instrument and they watch them being creative.  Many of our activities start from imitation where they follow my lead and then we develop ways to improvise.  Watching this process is a wonderful treat.  I see their eyes light up as they show me new ways to sing, dance and play.  I watch them giggling and laughing with the caregivers that they love so much!  Seeing the process of children learning from their music classes let's me know that the activities I'm doing are building those future music and life skills.   Children are such natural music lovers.   

It also solidifies that I have found my passion:  Sharing music with families.

I always love your pictures, videos and stories of how your experience made a difference.

Thank you for believing in me!

Remember:  You are always your child's best teacher through life!  Be their imitation!


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