Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Teaching Tip: Preschoolers Need To MOVE!!!!!

Preschoolers (and toddlers and K and 1st graders and most kids) they have this wonderful, innate ability to move and groove.  Go ahead, turn on some fun music and watch them boogie!

I firmly believe that my kids HAVE TO MOVE in class....OFTEN!


1.  Movement helps stimulate that brain and this helps enrich language development.
2.  Movement helps children be creative and express themselves.
3.  Through movement, it helps children connect to an experience.

My kids enjoy seated movement activities such as finger plays, clapping, patting and tapping along and gross motor activities such as dancing.  It doesn't matter if I'm teaching a parent/child baby class or a preschool class, these activities are incorporated.

When children are moving, they are connecting to the words.  Such a simple song like the Itsy Bitsy Spider can turn into the GIANT SPIDER that moves slow with arms outstretched to the Teeny Weeny Spider that scurries super fast.  Now we've heard new vocabulary and moved those ways and that connects the concepts for children.

In class, we want to see how the children can explore.  We show them ways to move but we encourage them to find new ways.  Allowing them to explore lets them be creative which opens the door for them to be confident and expressive.

Music class is more then sitting in a circle and singing.  It's being silly, fun, creative and MOVING.

Get your classes up and moving....there is so much great stuff out there!  

Visit my youtube channel for some fun movement songs!

Jennifer Esposito is the owner of First Roots Music Studio in Manville, NJ

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