Sunday, July 19, 2015

Promoting Children's Music: Baze and His Silly Friends

After several years of teaching Kindermusik and searching Itunes and the internet for fun children's music, I discovered my local "Kindie" Music Scene.

I believe that children should experience live music with an opportunity to interact by dancing, singing and playing instruments at their comfort level.  I have designed my classes around this philosophy.  I also love to bring in current music that help teach concepts or that parents and children can connect to.  Through his performance at the Hillsborough Public Library during the summer of 2014 I met Jason Didner, the lead singer of Jason Didner and the Jungle Gym Jam.  Through our friendship he introduced me to this local Kindie Music scene and we worked together to promote his music in my Winter Classes.  It ended with a fantastic concert!

For my Spring Session, I decided to work with Marc Bazerman from Baze and His Silly Friends!  His upbeat and original music was perfect for Spring!  We started out as butterflies as we flew around the room with scarves to "Fly: A Caterpillar's Tale".  We learned nursery rhymes by listening to his "Old Mother Goose" song.  We pretended to be superheros and took basket rides listening to his "Riverside" song.  It was a memorable Spring.  His full album is available through Itunes.

As a highlight to our Spring classes, First Roots Studio sponsored a FREE concert at Manville Public Library on July 18th at 3pm.  Baze performed a solo, interactive show for our guests who danced, sang and played tambourines!  It was a wonderful performance!

First Roots studio will continue to bring fun, local musicians to our community and sponsor concerts.  Music making is a community experience and all children should have live musical experiences.

Our photos below show the rockin' good time we had!

For more information on First Roots Studio please visit: